At the age of 11, Kalysta had a defining moment in her dance journey: a solo performance that made her realize just how deeply tap dance resonated with her. That year, as she performed, it clicked—tap dance wasn’t just a hobby, it was her true passion. National Tap Dance Day holds special meaning for Kalysta, as it’s a reminder of that life-changing moment when she discovered her love for performing and the art form itself.
Kalysta’s love for tap dance shines through in everything she does, especially in her role as a teacher at A & G Dance Academy. Her students benefit from her years of experience and her deep commitment to nurturing the next generation of dancers. Whether she’s teaching young beginners or helping more advanced dancers refine their technique, Kalysta fosters an environment where her students feel encouraged to grow, explore their creativity, and develop their love for dance.
Grateful every day to be doing what she loves, Kalysta continues to share her passion for tap dance with her students, helping them find the joy in movement that has defined her own dance journey. Her enthusiasm, dedication, and infectious love for tap dance make her a beloved teacher and an inspiration to all those she teaches.