Mandatory Temperature Screenings & Hand Sanitation

All dancers entering the building will be required to have their temperature taken by a contactless, no-touch thermometer. According to the CDC, a reading of anything above 100.4 F is considered a “fever” and the dancer will not be permitted inside. No excuses.
– Please note that any dancers with fevers will be required to show documentation from a physician indicating that they are cleared to resume physical activity and must be “fever-free” for 72 hours.

  • All dancers will be required to use hand sanitizer upon entering the studio, and during each class.
  • Dancers should avoid touching their faces and must adhere to social distancing protocols.

Excessive Sneezing/Coughing

Dancers who sneeze or cough during class will be required to use hand sanitizer immediately. Excessive sneezing and coughing will not be tolerated. Teachers will have full discretion as to whether the dancer will be subsequently SENT HOME for excessive sneezing and coughing. (regardless whether they have a fever or not)

Additional Sanitation & Disinfecting Procedures

– All ballet barres, door handles & Acro mats, will be disinfected after EVERY CLASS. Additionally, all counters, tabletops, doorknobs, and other high touch surfaces will be sanitized HOURLY during our weekly classes.
– Bathrooms: Dancers MUST ask for permission to use the bathroom. Bathrooms will be sanitized after EACH use.


Masks will NOT be required as the lobby and “stretch room” will be closed.
Masks are OPTIONAL while dancing but are NOT REQUIRED.